
In this model titled "fortress"  i have made a  design to communicate an accommodation area that is both utilitarian and minimalist. The purposeful absence of a piece of area in the building create a  space for nature to be put within the house. the ground floor within the building is a void space that can be served as a place for discussion and social activities which the upper space is a area that can be re imagined to be a accommodation area, learning area or shopping center. 

materials used:

-mat board
- wood
- carton cardboard


Dimensions of the building components was first sketched on carton cardboard using a pencil.
Different lengths piece of carton was then cut out to be used a fencing to use to create a separation between the building and the outer space.

 I then collected pieces of wood i have found in my backyard and cutted them into the same lengths to be used as support for the building. 

I too collected varying plants and chose to use this piece of flora to placed within the building, where a space for nature was created within the building.

A wooden floor was added

I then took photos of the building, by setting up a enclosed space with white background which i can manipulate the use of light in the setting, i placed light source on top of the building as well as at eye level to create my photographs.


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